Départ Mont-Saint-Michel
Le 28/07/2024
à 09:00
“Saint Michael’ is an angel and even an archangel, and considered the most powerful saint.
He is often mentioned in the Bible, then depicted as a knight fighting the devil in the Middle Ages. To this function is added that of guardian angel, messenger between Heaven and Earth.
Since ancient times, he has been invoked primarily as a defender of justice and Prince of the Heavenly Armies. He leads the saved to Paradise and weighs souls at the Last Judgment.
In 708, Saint Michael is said to have appeared three times to Aubert, then bishop of Avranches, asking him to build a monument in his honor. In 966, the first church was built here, run by a community of Benedictines.
He played a major role as France’s protector at the victorious battles of Tolbiac and Poitiers, with Jehanne d’Arc and during the Wars of Religion.
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Participation recommandée : 

12,00 €
Participation recommandée : 

28,00 €
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Qui que vous soyez, où que vous soyez, quel que soit votre chemin de Foi ou votre état de vie, Notre-Dame vous appelle sur sa route. « Le jour où tu dis: cela suffit ! tu es déjà mort. Ajoute toujours, avance toujours, marche toujours » St Augustin.
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S’engager pour les 7 Routes de Notre Dame, c’est prendre part à un événement d’envergure qui ravivera la foi de tous les français.
The first-ever national pilgrimage to mark the rebirth of Notre-Dame de Paris, to thank Mary and invoke her for the future of France and the world.