Départ Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière - Lyon
Le 28/07/2024
à 09:00
Joseph the carpenter, descendant of King David, knows how to combine woodworking with compasses. He is the husband of Mary and adoptive father of Jesus. Indeed, this “Righteous One” (Mt 1, 19) does not consider himself worthy to claim paternity of the child of Mary, his bride, because they both know that he is the fruit of the Spirit. Holy. But he bows before the words of the angel: “Take Mary, your wife, home.”
“Silent” in the gospels, he is confronted with extraordinary situations and demonstrates a keen sense of duty: angelic welcome of the birth of Jesus in destitution, visit of the Magi, threat from Herod and nocturnal flight into exile to Egypt. And, later, recovery in the temple of Jerusalem of a young son who knows where he comes from and respects the one who educates him. Joseph fulfills his protective role in humility and also trains Jesus in his craft as a craftsman.
Tradition gives him a gentle death between the Son and his mother. In this respect, Joseph, patron of workers and fathers of families, is also that of the Good Death. He has been patron of the universal church since December 8, 1870.
Rejoignez la route où et quand vous voulez, du 28 juillet au 15 sept 2024.
Participation recommandée :
12,00 €
Participation recommandée :
28,00 €
Les difficultés financières ne doivent pas être un obstacle
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Qui que vous soyez, où que vous soyez, quel que soit votre chemin de Foi ou votre état de vie, Notre-Dame vous appelle sur sa route. « Le jour où tu dis: cela suffit ! tu es déjà mort. Ajoute toujours, avance toujours, marche toujours » St Augustin.
Ce projet fait écho à votre cœur de chrétien brûlant ? Vous souhaitez donner de votre temps à un pèlerinage d’envergure nationale ? Nous recherchons des responsables de routes, des personnes pour la logistique, la communication, les vidéos, les points d’étape…
S’engager pour les 7 Routes de Notre Dame, c’est prendre part à un événement d’envergure qui ravivera la foi de tous les français.
The first-ever national pilgrimage to mark the rebirth of Notre-Dame de Paris, to thank Mary and invoke her for the future of France and the world.